• startup
  • success
  • virtual reality

What to do after you have lost your VR job

It's not the best moment for the tech and gaming industry: many startups have failed and many people even from…

  • augmented reality
  • virtual reality
  • week peek

The XR Week Peek (2024.04.16): Google promises “AR Announcements”, first details found on Gabe Newell’s BCI startup, and more!

These days I’ll start organizing my trip to the US to be a speaker at AWE in June… in case…

  • augmented reality
  • virtual reality

Social AR: how to design a gathering in mixed reality (e.g. with Spatial Personas)

Social VR is one of the big trends of virtual reality: people are meeting inside virtual spaces in Rec Room,…

  • augmented reality

Environment understanding for mixed reality: why it is important and why it should improve

These days I'm experimenting with the development of mixed reality applications, and on Quest I've so been playing around with…

  • augmented reality
  • virtual reality
  • week peek

The XR Week Peek (2024.04.09): Apple releases Spatial Personas, Meta is working on Augments, and more!

It’s not been an exciting week for the XR industry, but still, the release of Spatial Personas has created a…

  • tutorials
  • virtual reality

How to make an Augmented Virtuality app for Quest in Unity

A few days ago I posted this video on my social media channels where I poured some biscuits from a…

  • augmented reality
  • virtual reality
  • week peek

The XR Week Peek (2024.04.02): Oculus’s acquisition anniversary, Apple WWDC announcement, and more!

Easter has just gone by, and I hope that whether you celebrate it or not, you had a wonderful Sunday…

  • virtual reality

EXCLUSIVE: First details about Valve Deckard have been leaked [APRIL FOOL’S]

NOTICE: This post was published on April, 1st, 2024 as an April Fool's joke. Keep reading to have a bit…

  • augmented reality
  • virtual reality
  • week peek

The XR Week Peek (2024.03.26): Sony halts production of PSVR 2, Meta slashes the price of Quest 2, and more!

This has been the week of GDC and of the NVIDIA GTC, so we have a bit more pieces of…

  • augmented reality
  • virtual reality

We need camera access to unleash the full potential of Mixed Reality

These days I'm carrying on some experiments with XR and other technologies. I had some wonderful ideas of Mixed Reality…