• augmented reality
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Why you should use now generative AI in your metaverse company. Or maybe not

We are living the generative AI hype, with everyone getting crazy about ChatGPT. And every day I read articles about…

  • augmented reality
  • virtual reality
  • week peek

The XR Week Peek (2023.02.08): Samsung is back to XR, Echo VR gets shut down, and more!

Today is my last day in China. These days have been hectic: I have met very interesting people (you will…

  • augmented reality
  • virtual reality

Quick testing sessions of Nreal Air, LAWK, iQiYi Mix, and more!

Yesterday I was visiting the amazing people of VRTUOLUO, which is one of the leading XR publications in China, and…

  • augmented reality
  • virtual reality
  • week peek

The XR Week Peek (2023.01.31): New rumors on Apple headset, Quest Pro price drops, and more!

I’ve read a lot of articles and XR news this week, but actually, at the end of the day, nothing…

  • virtual reality

7 pieces of advice if you have to remotely work as a VR developer from China

You all know that I'm spending a few weeks in China, and apart from eating a lot, I've also to…

  • augmented reality
  • virtual reality
  • week peek

The XR Week Peek (2023.01.23): Microsoft shuts down Altspace and MRTK, and more!

Welcome to another roundup of AR/VR news of the week! I’m still writing from China, and this week I spent…

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  • off topic

Happy new lunar year of the Rabbit!

Today has started the year of the Rabbit according to many Asian cultures, so I want to wish you all…

  • augmented reality
  • Best articles
  • virtual reality

All the best AR/VR news from CES 2023

It is a tradition of this blog to have a long roundup of the best XR news from CES every…

  • augmented reality
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  • week peek

The XR Week Peek (2023.01.16): Meta discontinues Quest 1, Apple HMD is in the hand of developers, and more!

Hello from Qingdao, China! I’m happy to be back in the Far East of the world after such a long…

  • announcements

The Ghost is back in China!

After two years missing from China, I'm back again as soon as I could enter. It has not been an…