• tutorials
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How to remove unwanted Unity audio permissions to submit to App Lab

For sure you remember that together with my tutorial on how to develop and submit an application for App Lab,…

  • augmented reality
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  • week peek

The XR Week Peek (2021.03.22): Sony reveals PSVR2 controllers, FRL shows the wristband of the future, and more!

Happy Spring everyone! The Winter is over, and the trees are blossoming again! I hope that wherever you are, even…

  • reviews
  • virtual reality

Hands-on Vive Focus Plus Hand Tracking SDK

I have just tried the hands tracking solution offered on the Vive Focus Plus by the Vive Hands Tracking SDK…

  • augmented reality
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  • week peek

The XR Week Peek (2021.03.16): HTC launches Tracker 3.0, Facebook has 10,000 people working on XR, and more!

I’m writing this roundup of news with a huge headache and a real will to sleep, so forgive me if…

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Indie developer shares the lessons learned from publishing the first App Lab bundle

Some weeks ago, a group of 12 indie development studios decided to launch the first bundle dedicated to App Lab…

  • augmented reality
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  • week peek

The XR Week Peek (2021.03.08): Microsoft launches Mesh, HTC and Pico tease new hardware, and more!

Happy Women’s Day to all the women in XR! I think the spirit of this day is to show our…

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  • tracking sensors
  • virtual reality

NextMind Review: select objects using your brain powers

You all know that I love Brain-Computer Interfaces, and so I have been very happy when NextMind has proposed to…

  • reviews
  • virtual reality

Battlescar review: an amazing punk story in VR

Some weeks ago I was reading Upload VR and I found an article with its review of Battlescar, a storytelling…

  • augmented reality
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  • week peek

The XR Week Peek (2021.03.01): Sony confirms PSVR 2, Facebook teases Quest 2 Pro, and more!

March has just started… I hope it will be an amazing day for you and for all the AR/VR ecosystem!…

  • interviews
  • virtual reality

Chris Koomen goes hands-on with Oculus For Business

Chris Koomen is a Virtual Reality specialist and consultant at KLM, a Dutch airline company. He is a very smart…