
The Ghost Howls uses Advertisement and Affiliate programs to sustain its online platform.


Advertisement is made through the presentation of some banners, that is advertisement images and texts, clearly identifiable, that when clicked take you to the page of the related advertiser. Banners that you can see on this website are of various kinds: for some of them I earn money when you click on them; for some others when you see them; for others when you interact with them (e.g. start a video with your mouse).

Ads are managed through the Google Adsense network.

Affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are commercial programs to which this website has subscribed. This means that inside the webpages, you may be presented with images or links that when clicked, take you to the page of a particular product. If you buy this product because of the link provided by me, I will earn a certain percentage of that purchase. The purchase may happen immediately or even in the upcoming days.

While Ads and banners are clearly identifiable inside the website content, affiliate links are not immediately distinguishable from other kinds of informative links.

Currently, the Affiliation programs The Ghost Howls have joined are:

Skarredghost is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

Cookies and Privacy Policy

Both advertisement and affiliate networks use cookies to track your behavior. You can read the cookie policy and privacy policy of this website at any time to read how your personal data is used.

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