Announcement: The ghost is evolving

In the next times, I’ll make this little website to evolve a bit. I’ve started it as a little place where to put my thoughts… but know that it’s having its little share of success, it’s time to change something. I mean, I’m not UploadVR, but I thought that not even my parents would have read my posts… and instead I discovered that there are people finding what I write interesting! That’s surprising…

It’s time to make this website to evolve from a baby stage to a teenager one… so, in the next days you may experience same strange things when exploring this website… your head may even explode.

Mind blown (Image from Pop Key)

But don’t worry, The Ghost Howls will come back stronger than ever! In the meantime, continue supporting me!

Skarredghost: AR/VR developer, startupper, zombie killer. Sometimes I pretend I can blog, but actually I've no idea what I'm doing. I tried to change the world with my startup Immotionar, offering super-awesome full body virtual reality, but now the dream is over. But I'm not giving up: I've started an AR/VR agency called New Technology Walkers with which help you in realizing your XR dreams with our consultancies (Contact us if you need a project done!)
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