AR and VR at EBU Digital Media Days 2018

(Image by EBU)

Have you ever heard about EBU? Most probably not, unless you work in the broadcasting field. EBU stands for European Broadcasting Union and it is one of the most important associations of media broadcasters of the world. It is made mostly by European public media broadcasters, but it also includes members from Asia, America, and Africa. Basically, it is an alliance of public television and radio broadcasters… so if you live in Europe, your national television (in Italy we have Rai, for instance) is surely a member of this big association.

As you can see from these numbers, the EBU is just a little important… (Image by EBU)

Why am I talking about television and radio on this blog? Well, because all the worldwide televisions are very interested in the storytelling potential of augmented and virtual reality. If you’ve watched Dear Angelica and you have almost cried inside your headset or you have played at The Price of Freedom and felt dirty inside at the end of the experience, you surely know the storytelling power of virtual reality, that is able to foster in us very strong emotions. So, all televisions are studying these new mediums and some of them are also creating some AR and VR experiences: BBC, for instance, is very active on this side, having created an AR app to put historical elements inside your home and a VR app to take you to the space (and puke). The traditional television is always more blended with other technologies and now some TV programs are already multi-medial experiences, that encompass web, app, social and television. AR and VR may be other technologies to be inserted into this melting pot. We know that some televisions are already streaming some big events over VR and that NBA will transmit its matches on Magic Leap platform. So, televisions are interested in XR, but they’re also wondering how to use these new technologies properly and are also wondering when will be the right time to invest in VR because it will become mainstream (2019 according to Unity CEO and HTC China president).

The Price of Freedom is a little VR experience where storytelling and emotions are perfectly designed (Image by Construct Studio)

What is EBU doing about this? EBU is doing various things: for instance, it has made a report about AR and VR that has been distributed to all its subscribers. And it is organizing a very interesting event in Prague, the “EBU Digital Media Days“, which contains a workshop about virtual and augmented reality. EBU Digital Media Days is an event where a lot of interesting people from a lot of countries will meet to discuss media broadcasting, creativity, communication, UX and all other stuff in which public broadcasters may be interested in talking about. Of course, there will be AR and VR: being new storytelling media, they are part of this 3-days event. On March, 9th 2018, there will be a long workshop on these technologies: you can read its full program on its official page. As you can see, during the workshop there will be talks made by people from important companies like Sky and Amazon. The event is interesting both to do public relations with interesting people (networking, networking, networking) and to listen to the interesting talks. Of course, it is already sold out, so sorry if I have not warned you before.

The full program of the event. It is very interesting, both for the sessions and for the networking moments (Image by EBU)

So, why am I telling you about this? Well, first of all because it is great to know that such a big association is very interested in AR and VR…. but mostly because I’ll hold a session inside this wonderful workshop, too! I don’t know why they asked me to talk in the same event where people from Sky and Amazon will hold a microphone in their hand… but… sshhhhh don’t tell EBU that I’m just a VR guy that has no idea what he’s doing most of the time!

I’ve made an evolution of the classical meme to represent me 🙂

I’ll have a little talk (30 minutes, Q&A sessions included) where I’ll give some little insights on AR and VR digital stories seen both from a developer’s standpoint (so, taking in count how to avoid motion sickness and things like that) and from a user’s standpoint (so, telling what has amazed me). It will be fun speaking about the technologies that I love the most in front of the audience. I’m a bit afraid of the questions that such an important audience will make me, but for the most part, I’m excited to have a little role in such an amazing event!

Look, there’s my name there! I didn’t know that “Skarredghost” was my job title, this is something new for me… (Image by EBU)

What else can I say? If you’re in Prague around that day, let me know :)… maybe we’ll be able to meet and talk about VR and about this city that everyone has said me is wonderful, but that I’ve never visited in my whole life. See you there!

(Header image by EBU)

Skarredghost: AR/VR developer, startupper, zombie killer. Sometimes I pretend I can blog, but actually I've no idea what I'm doing. I tried to change the world with my startup Immotionar, offering super-awesome full body virtual reality, but now the dream is over. But I'm not giving up: I've started an AR/VR agency called New Technology Walkers with which help you in realizing your XR dreams with our consultancies (Contact us if you need a project done!)
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