My experience at the European Innovation Academy

Last month I attended the EIA (European Innovation Academy) accelerator with my Immotionar team! It was really interesting, so I wrote a review to let other startupper know what to expect if they want to attend it! You can find it on Immotionar blog! Don’t miss it!

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afference review hands on

Afference hands-on: a ring giving magical haptic sensations

The last demo I had during my CES in January wasn’t for sure the least in terms of importance. I was able to go hands-on with Afference, a very special ring meant to give haptic sensations. Why was it so special? Well, let me explain to you… Afference Ring and the referred sensations Afference is […]

roto vr explorer review

Roto VR hands-on: make your chair rotate in VR!

On my last day at CES, I tried the Roto VR Explorer chair. It’s been an interesting experience, not without some flaws, but certainly one worth telling. So keep reading to discover this VR accessory! (Usual reminder: this article is a hands-on impression because I just had a few minutes with the product and it […]