full body vr oculus touch

First experiments with Oculus Touch!

Today I’ve made first experiments with Oculus Touch and their companion SDK! It’s been super-interesting and I’ve learnt really a lot! I’ve also had some fun, but I found that there are some obscure things that I had to learn with trials&errors… so in the new year I’ll make a tutorial just for you my dear readers!

In the meantime, enjoy this video showcasing the results of my experiments!

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Happy Winter Holidays 2024!

It is a tradition of this blog that I write my holiday wishes for you every year at Christmas. I suspect that almost everyone is too busy celebrating to care about my greetings… but I’m happy to write them anyway! So let me wish you a wonderful Christmas, in case you celebrate it, or just […]

ces 2025 skarredghost

The dream comes true: I’m going to CES 2025!

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