virtual reality Oculus Touch review

Predictions for virtual reality in 2017

I just wrote a long article on Medium about my predictions for VR market in 2017… you can read it here. I would be happy if you can read it and express your opinon about my forecasts! VR is so uncertain and we’re all making predictions… it’s so funny to speculate!

This is not my first article on Medium… I had already wrote something about what worked and not in our VR marketing effort here. So, if you’re a fellow VR startupper, follow me there!

Disclaimer: this blog contains advertisement and affiliate links to sustain itself. If you click on an affiliate link, I'll be very happy because I'll earn a small commission on your purchase. You can find my boring full disclosure here.


pimax crystal pro light review

Pimax Crystal Light Pro: a thorough review

Today I host on this blog a new amazing article by Rob Cole, who has reviewed in thorough detail the Pimax Cristal Light, in a Pro variant. And as usual, he has also modded it for improved comfort… [Disclaimer : Pimax Crystal Light, Lighthouse faceplate, and DMAS speakers were provided by Pimax, Studioform Creative products […]

vive focus vision hands on review

Vive Focus Vision and Viverse hands-on: two solutions for businesses

The most interesting hands-on demo I had at MatchXR in Helsinki was with the HTC Vive team, who let me try two of their most important solutions: the new Vive Focus Vision headset and the Viverse social VR space. I think these two products may be relevant for some enterprise use cases. Let me explain […]