Virtual reality easter

Happy (virtual reality) Easter everyone!

I wish all of you, my amazing readers, to have a marvelous Easter with all your family and friends! If in your culture you don’t celebrate Easter, well, I wish you a fantastic April the 16th to live with all people you like the most.

Here we celebrate Easter opening chocolate eggs and eating lots of chocolate and tipical Easter cakes (like “Colomba”)… in a few days I’ll surely be 10kg heavier than now… but I’ll keep writing articles about virtual reality for sure!

Again, happy holiday! Hope you’ll like the photomontage I did 😀

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roto vr explorer review

Roto VR hands-on: make your chair rotate in VR!

On my last day at CES, I tried the Roto VR Explorer chair. It’s been an interesting experience, not without some flaws, but certainly one worth telling. So keep reading to discover this VR accessory! (Usual reminder: this article is a hands-on impression because I just had a few minutes with the product and it […]

The XR Week Peek (2025.01.15): Many XR devices were at CES, Quest 3S is the most sold console of 2024, and more!

I’m back in Italy after my very positive experience at CES! I still can’t believe that I’ve been to this huge event… I came back home that everything in my body was hurting, but I was happy nonetheless. It’s been great going there from all points of view: as a blogger, enthusiast, and entrepreneur… all […]