One year of The Ghost Howls! Happy birthday to me!
One year ago, exactly at 22.01, I published my first post, called “Welcome to my place!”. I started this blog as a way to promote my startup Immotionar, as a channel to show the world our mesmerizing full body solution, since someone advised me to make this way.
My first posts were very rough: I had no clear idea of what I was doing and just wrote here whatever things came to my mind. After a year, I can say that… well, things have not changed that much 😀

What is changed is that, with a lot of my surprise, now there are actually real people reading the things that I write. And someone even appreciates them! Incredible. And with this post, I want to really thank every one of these people: every single person that has read my posts, my tweets, my Quora answers, whatever. Every person that has made an insightful comment, like Matias Nassi that has always written interesting comments below my articles, or Simplex… or Sasha that with its enthusiasm for VR has always made me happy of working in this field.
I thought that my blog would have shut down in some months because no one would have actually read it, but I was proven wrong. So, thank you really a lot my readers for having pushed me to continue this work, even if it is hard and poorly profitable. You’re fantastic and very supportive: your compliments really make my days and make me want to write the best articles possible just to make you happy 🙂
I thought about making some awesome posts for my birthday, to pay back your enthusiasm with great interviews, but unluckily all the big people I tried to contact turned me down. But this won’t stop me from dedicating some special posts for this event! In one I’ll surely tell you what I’ve learned in one year of blogging and will give you advice in case you want to start your own adventure. In another one I’ll answer the questions you’ve submitted to the form I’ve linked you in a previous article, so to answer some curiosities you may have about me. And then… well, with my friend Max I’d like to experiment with videos too…
So, stay connected for reading some awesome posts! And if you want to celebrate with me, publish some funny celebration GIFs or sentences on twitter tagging me and writing the hashtag #TheGhostBDay ! Or write them here in the comments section! This will surely make me happy…

…and if next year this blog will still be alive, wow, I’d like to throw a super-big party!
#TheGhostBDay has come, let’s make it awesome!
Disclaimer: this blog contains advertisement and affiliate links to sustain itself. If you click on an affiliate link, I'll be very happy because I'll earn a small commission on your purchase. You can find my boring full disclosure here.
Wohoo! So, happy birthday to one of the bests AR/VR blogs atm! And thanks for the mention, looking forward to read those great upcoming posts… Siamo Tony 🙂
Well, sometimes your comments are more interesting than my posts, so the mention was surely deserved! Grazie per gli auguri!!!