Happy Holidays 2019!
It’s that time of the year when we all have wonderful celebrations, and I really want to wish you lots of happiness. I don’t know if you celebrate Christmas or not… if it is the first case, then I wish you a fantastic Christmas, otherwise, I just wish you to spend a marvelous 25th day of December! Whatever the case, I really hope you can spend some quality time with all the people you love the most, and you can relax a bit.
Personally, I’m spending some time with my family, eating lots of food and resting for 1-2 days. Yeah, I’m not resting at 100% as you can see from the fact that I’m writing a blog post… but I’m doing my best to work the least possible. Here in Italy, the traditional food for Christmas are two sweet cakes called Panettone and Pandoro, and at lunch, I have just eaten (among other thousand things) a delicious chocolate panettone. Here you are a photo so that you can envy me!

I’m curious about how people celebrate Christmas all over the world, so I would love it if you could comment this article (or the related social media posts) telling me how you do celebrate Christmas in your country!
In some days, it will be 2020. For some people, it will be the year of VR, thanks to Oculus Quest and Half-Life: Alyx. For others, it will be the year that VR will die, because it is a fad like 3D cinema. For me, it will be a year where VR and AR will grow, but still not explode completely. But most importantly, I hope it will be a year when you all will have lots of joy and satisfaction, in the VR field and in personal life. I am very proud to be part of this community, that is always supporting me, and so I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart. I hope that whatever the destiny will reserve for me in 2020, I can still spend some time with you all.
I’m also preparing some cool posts about Viveport Streaming (yes, finally you will read a review about it) and Oculus Hands Tracking SDK… but today is not the day. Today is just a day of eating and enjoying some time with people I love. And since you are among them, I decided to write this post dedicated to you, even if it is a day of vacation.
MRry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all! Enjoy your time now and have a marvelous future!
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