Oculus Quest 2 and controllers

The XR Week Peek (2020.12.01): Quest side distribution platform coming in Q1 2021, Quest competitor coming, and much more!

I’m super swamped with work, so this week the roundup will be a bit more limited than the usual… not a big problem considering that this week has been quite boring in the XR ecosystem.
 Before starting the actual post, let me send my thoughts to two beloved members of our community:

  • The YouTubers Cas and Chary that just got engaged! I’m really happy for them: they are two amazing content creators, and I wish them a lot of happiness;
  • Daniel “Germanrifter”, who is having serious health issues. He’s a very kind man, and always have helped me and all the other members of the community, expecting nothing in change. So I invite you to send him your warmest thoughts on his Twitter channel!

Top news of the week

(Image by Facebook)

Oculus Quest’s parallel content distribution platform slated to come in Q1 2021

We all know that is not possible to publish experiences on the Oculus Quest Store without passing through Facebook’s thorough review process, and this is frustrating many developers. Facebook announced some months ago that it was going to release a new opener content distribution platform parallel to the Oculus Store and this week it has revealed that it is going to launch it in Q1 2021.
We have almost no info on this parallel store, but the most probable scenario is that it will consist of “hidden store pages”. Everyone wanting to publish and experience the Quest will be able to publish it through the Oculus Developer Portal as if it were going to be published on the Oculus Store. But only the approved apps will be visible through the Store search functions (so the Store will remain clean) while the other ones will only be available to those who have the direct link to the store page (so that the developers can easily share them by just sharing the link).
In this scenario, SideQuest won’t close, but it will become the “search engine” for all these hidden store pages.
On one side, I like this idea, because it makes it easier for us developers to share our creations. On the other side, I see that is a way that Facebook has to apply its control on the sideloaded apps, a market that was free and without control. Also because, as Chris Pruett told me, the new system will require you to use your Facebook account. And all of this is something I don’t like.

More info

Other relevant news

(Image by Simone Favarin)

A new HTC headset may come in 2021

A comment of HTC China President Alvin Wang Graylin makes us understand that HTC is going to launch a new VR headset in the first months of 2021, and that it “will be better than what is available on the market”. A speculation of mine is that it is a XR2 standalone headset aimed at enterprise, but I have no public info to share on the matter. For sure I’m very curious about what it will turn out to be: we absolutely need some competitors for the Oculus Quest.

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OpenBCI announces Galea

OpenBCI, a famous company that produces hardware and software solutions to integrate brain-computer interfaces, has just announced Galea, a new hardware and software platform inteded for immersive headsets.
This new hardware that can be attached to XR headsets, plus its related software platform, will let researchers and companies analyze the data from all kinds of sensors (EEG, EMG, etc…) so that to produce XR experiences that can react to your emotions and behavior. It seems very interesting for psychological applications.

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Ready Player Two gets published

Finally the book Ready Player Two, the sequel of the Famous Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, has been published. The story starts from when the first book ends and analyzes how Wade and his gang manage the Oasis after they took control of it.
From what I’ve read around, it is a nice book, but it seems a bit more shallow than the first one, and this is something that you may like or not.

More info

The Black Friday has come!

I’m a bit late with this newsletter, but this week there have been many interesting deals for the Black Friday and the Cyber Monday also in the VR space! Some of them are still valid, so check them out 🙂

More info (All XR deals for the Black Friday)
More info (Steam deals for the Black Friday)
More info (PSVR mega pack)

News worth a mention

(Image by Sanzaru Games)

We memed Facebook into giving Asgard’s Wrath for free to every Quest 2 owners

Facebook has just announced that Asgard’s Wrath will be free for all Quest 2 owners using the Oculus Link, and not only to the ones buying it from now on. This decision has been taken after the backlash of the community… and Oculus in announcing this decision has shared the meme by Conor Conrad that I shared on Reddit! Conor and I memed one of the biggest corporates in changing its mind. We’ll change the world, one meme at a time.
To request your copy of Asgard’s Wrath, you have to contact Oculus Support: I’ll leave the link to the instructions here below.

More info (How to redeem the game)
More info (Facebook sharing my meme)
More info (News on Road To VR)

Cybershoes for Quest gets funded on Kickstarter in one day

Cybershoes, an interesting locomotion device that lets you walk in VR while you are seated, is launching its hardware in a new version that is compatible with the Oculus Quest. The project has been immediately backed on Kickstarter and so it will become a new product in the upcoming months.
I have got a review unit… so expect a review about them for next week!

More info

Shockwave promises a full haptic suit for $200

Another interesting VR product that appeared on Kickstarter is Shockwave, a haptic suit for VR offering full-body tracking and advanced haptics for only $200. The project seems too good to be true and that’s suspicious (also because they ask for only $8000 while doing hardware requires a lot of money), but in case they manage to do that, it can democratize haptics in VR.

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Disney Research works on realistic facial expressions

A new research by Disney has produced an ML algorithm able to apply realistic facial expressions to CGI faces. The algorithm adapts an expression, like “smiling”, to the digital face, but in a way that is coherent with all the characteristics of the face. Everyone of us smiles in a different way, and the algorithm tries to replicate this.

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HoloLens 2 keeps being succesfully applied in the US Army

A new article published by an online military magazine highlights how the US soldiers are experimenting with the IVAS, the tactical system developed using a modified version of the HoloLens 2. The system brings enormous advantages to the soldiers (like the immediate localization of all their peers), but it is not without its issues (like the fact that soldiers have to learn a new way to shoot). All in all, AR confirms to be a fundamental tool for the armies of the future.

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Intel volumetric studio shuts down

Do you remember the big studio to record volumetric performances that Intel opened in the US and that it used to record a whole Grease performance? Well, unfortunately, due to the high maintenance cost and all the problems caused by the covid, it has now shut down. It was overly cool, and this news makes me a bit sad.
(Thanks Cathy Hackl for the tip!)

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John Carmack wants to port Android apps on Quest

There is an internal debate at Oculus about Android apps: John Carmack would love the Quest to be able to use the apps from the Google Play store so that to enhance the capabilities of the Quest, but Facebook doesn’t agree, probably because they want to keep full control on the platform. Personally, considering the mediocre usability of 2D apps on a VR device, and given the fact that Facebook will never open itself to Google, I think this is not going to happen.

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You can now chat with Lucy from Wolves In The Walls

Fable Studio is working towards making Lucy, the main character from Wolves In The Walls, a digital person with which you can freely talk. And now it has taken the first step in that direction, with a beta of a system that will let you have video calls with Lucy and talk naturally with her. If you are interested, you can register and try it.

More info

Microsoft Flight Simulator to become VR compatible in December

This December finally Microsoft Flight Simulator will add VR mode. And the very welcome news is that VR support is coming for all SteamVR headsets and not only the WMR ones as previously announced.

More info

Some info on content

  • Much awaited adventure game Ven VR is coming for Rift on December, 17th;
  • Swords of Gurrah is a very interesting sword-fighting game;
  • Dreamhouse VR lets you build your dream house in VR;
  • In Death Unchained is going to release its first DLC Siege of Heaven, with a mode that will let even unexperienced VR players enjoy it;
  • You can now play The Elder Scrolls 3 in VR!

More info (Ven VR)
More info (Swords of Gurrah)
More info (Dreamhouse VR)
More info (In Death)
More info (Elder Scrolls 3)

News from partners (and friends)

My friend Lisi Linared and some colleagues of her have developed “El 48 Virtual”, an experience that talks about the demilitarization of Costa Rica. The experience premieres in Costa Rica today, 1st of December, at the Museo Nacional, the exact same place where the President declared the demilitarization of the country.

Learn more

Some XR fun

VR makes our lives better

Funny link

HP Reverb G2 is good, but…

Funny link

Valve Index

Funny link


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  • DeoVR
  • Jonn Fredericks
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  • Immersive.international
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  • Nikk Mitchell and the great FXG team
  • Jennifer Granger
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niantic pokemon go

The XR Week Peek (2025.03.18): Niantic sells Pokemon Go, Meta released passthrough APIs, and more!

This has been a very intense week for me, work-wise. Luckily, intense in a good way. And just when I thought I had already too many things to do, I had to add another task, because Meta decided to release camera access for Quest and I couldn’t resist getting my hands dirty with it!  Anyway, let’s […]

how to camera access meta quest 3 unity 6

How to start developing with camera access for Meta Quest 3 on Unity 6

Today I want to talk about one of my favorite topics: passthrough camera access. Meta has just released the APIs to let developers access the frames grabbed by the front cameras of the Quest so that developers can craft applications that can understand the environment around the user. In this tutorial, I will explain step-by-step […]