Happy Winter XR Holidays 2022
Here we are… also this year is coming to an end. It started with us hoping for it to finally be a good year after two years of the pandemic, and it ended having a conflict, generally bad economic conditions, still the pandemic, and other huge problems. Even in XR, we saw a stagnation of the market and a decrease in the hype on the “meta-whatever”. What I’ve learned in the past 12 months is: never hope that next year will be a good one. So I really hope the next year will be very shitty, boring, and full of problems. Maybe the inverse psychology works with the gods of luck 😀
As for me, it has been a complicated year, too… full of interesting opportunities but also complex situations to handle. The last weeks have also been of hard crunch, and you have surely noticed that I’ve published very few articles in December. I probably should have expected it since it was the year of the Tiger, and according to the Chinese zodiac when it is your year, it is always a complicated year (the Chinese tried to warn me, but they speak in Chinese, so they were hard for me to understand). But anyway, I survived, and I’m still here fighting for my career, for the community, and for XR in general. I’m still doing the 50Cent way “Get rich or die trying”… it’s just that I’m in the “die trying” phase!
Jokes apart, at the end of everything, I can say it was an interesting year for me, and I’ve certainly learned a lot. I can’t speak much now, but all the crunch is related to something cool that is going to happen at the beginning of next year, so it is coming for a good reason. I will tell you more about it in the next weeks. For now, I reassure you that I’ve not stopped blogging and your favorite VR ghost will be back with new posts next week. Of course, as usual, will be terrible blog posts full of memes, dirty jokes, and lots of technical details. Sorry if you were expecting some well-written serious posts about virtual reality, but if you want a serious website about XR you can still go read Road To VR…

Tomorrow is Christmas, which in Italy is probably the most important holiday of the year. We spend the day with the family, we eat a lot, we make gifts for each other, we eat a lot again, we watch some movies, we eat again, then we go sleeping and we dream about eating a lot. We eat so much that in Italy is not only the 25th to be a holiday, but also the 26th… I guess so we have time to recover from everything we eat. But the problem is that at my home, we also eat a lot on the 26th… and that’s why many Italians take the whole days between the Christmas and New Year as vacations. But by the way, how could you not eat a lot when we have wonderful dishes like this one?

I don’t know if you celebrate Christmas, and I don’t even think it’s relevant. Whatever means tomorrow for you, I hope it for you to be a good day. I wish you an end of the year that is wonderful and in which you can enjoy some quality time with the people you love… and eat a lot. And I wish you a wonderf… ah no, sorry, a shitty 2023, in which all your dreams may come true, both personally and professionally. A 2023 in which the Apple headset will finally launch because remember: The Apple headset is launching next year, every year!
This community has given me a lot in these 8 years I’ve been in the XR field, so like every year, I want to take this occasion to thank you all for the help and the support you’ve always given me and to wish you the best possible for the next year and beyond. And if you may need any help, let me know and I’ll see what I can do! But for now, I hope you enjoy a few days of rest with the people you love. Take some holidays, and enjoy life a bit. And then, next year, let’s all fight together to make the M-word become reality!
Happy shitty 2023, hoping that it may bring lots of cool XR stuff to all of us!
(PS Let me know how you will spend the Holidays this year, I’m curious!)
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