The Disruptive Technologies Conference is sold out!

Do you remember the Disruptive Technologies Conference (DTC) I was talking about some days ago? If you forgot it… well, it’s an event we of Immotionar are organizing here in Turin, an event about augmented reality and virtual reality (including full-body virtual reality, with our ImmotionRoom solution!), an event where we will talk about development […]

Oculus Touch price has been leaked?

Today I found this thread on reddit where a redditor has discovered that a german appliances reseller, MediaMarkt (which is called MediaWorld here in Italy), may have leaked the final price of the Oculus Touch on their e-store. At time of writing, the link doesn’t show price anymore, but I’m a smart guy so I […]

The Disruptive Technologies Conference

I’m proud to announce that we of ImmotionAR, with the help of some sponsors and some friends of Gianni’s (that are Microsoft MVP like him) are organizing a super-cool conference here in Turin, Italy about new disruptive technologies! We’ll talk about virtual reality and will showcase our full-body VR solution ImmotionRoom There will also be […]

Thanks for joining us on Twitch!

Today we made our first serious streaming on Twitch of the demo game that we of ImmotionAR are developing with my friends Max and Viktor of NTW. The game has to exploit the full body tracking capabilities of the ImmotionRoom system and has one simple rule: “catch the cubes!”. We had lots of fun […]

Let’s hang out on Twitch!

Tomorrow, 18th of August, at 3.00PM UTC time (5.00PM here in Italy) we’ll stream on Twitch on 3klan channel! Join us, so you can see me and my fellow game developer Max Ariani of NTW making experiments with virtual reality games that exploit the full body tracking of the ImmotionRoom system. We’ve made a little […]

Welcome to my place!

大家好! This is the first post of this new adventure! W00t, I’m so excited! You may be wondering why the need for a new personal blog of mine, if I already write in the blog of my startup Immotionar, and the answer is pretty straightforward: because in a personal blog I’m more free to say […]