All you need to know about the leaked Valve VR headset: is Half-Life 3/2 coming?

The VR ecosystem is in fibrillation because of the leak of a possible upcoming next-gen Valve HMD headset. But what do we know about it? Well, in this article I’ll try to summarize all that we know and all the main speculations regarding it. Are you ready to discover everything about this headset? Of course […]

Donald Greenberg: virtual reality is still a baby, we’ll need 20 years for photorealism

There are days when I’m really happy to be a blogger. The day when I interviewed Donald Greenberg is one of these days. Donald Greenberg is one of the fathers of the CGI. Have you ever heard the name “radiosity”? It is one of the fundamental algorithms that let you render a correct lighting in […]

Oculus Connect 5 mega round-up: all you need to know about Oculus Quest and the other announcements!

As it is tradition of this little blog, I will write a full round-up of the Oculus Connect 5, the very important Oculus event that has been held in San Jose on 26th and 27th of September (2018). I have not been there, but I have read an enormous amount of sources and now I […]

7Invensun aGlass DK II unboxing, setup and review: a great dev kit for eye tracking in VR

In China I met the company 7Invensun, that is a worldwide leader for what concerns eye tracking. Being them very kind, they gave me as a gift an aGlass DK II eye tracking add on for HTC Vive and I used it to experiment with eye tracking interfaces. After some days of usage, I think […]

Virtual Reality is reaching a mature state according to Gartner

Some days ago, while browsing the Facebook group VIRTUAL REALITY, I found a post comparing the Gartner Hype Cycle 2017 and 2018. The results of the comparison were basically two: Augmented Reality has not moved in the graph; Virtual Reality has disappeared. I found this pretty interesting: last year, VR was going towards the right […]

An amazing day at HTC Vive, trying SteamVR multiroom, Vive Wireless Adapter and Vive Focus gesture tracking

Two days ago, I’ve been at HTC Vive Chinese headquarters in Beijing. It has been a really amazing day, where I have been able to try some amazing HTC tech demos (more on this later on! Don’t miss it!) and especially to talk with some special people. I’ve been able to speak with three companies […]