4 hard lessons on VR startup life that I’ve learned attending events

Hello all! As I’ve told you in my newsletter, this period I’m travelling to attend events to try to spread awareness for my consultancy company New Technology Walkers. This is why I’ve not managed to write an article in a week and this is why I am also incredibly tired (oh, and I’ve still to […]

Immotionar post mortem: how to recover psychologically from your VR startup failure

In this third episode relative to my startup failure (first one was the failure announcement, while the second one talked about the errors we made that led to our failure), I want to tell you how you, as a startup founder, can help yourself in recovering psychologically from your startup failure. Seeing your startup failing […]

Concentrate on solutions, not on problems

Sometimes I like blogging about productivity stuff and the right mindset to have when you’ve a startup. Today is one of those days. In your startup journey you will be overwhelmed by problems. Really. If you want to run a company and you think that everything will run smoothly… well, I’m sorry to say that […]