7Invensun aGlass DK II unboxing, setup and review: a great dev kit for eye tracking in VR

In China I met the company 7Invensun, that is a worldwide leader for what concerns eye tracking. Being them very kind, they gave me as a gift an aGlass DK II eye tracking add on for HTC Vive and I used it to experiment with eye tracking interfaces. After some days of usage, I think […]

Kiss Me First review: a slow Netflix series about virtual reality

During the Ready Player One hype, Netflix announced that it was going to broadcast a series about virtual reality called Kiss Me First. Having been disappointed by the movie Ready Player One (but don’t tell Mister President, he’s a great fan of it!), I had high hopes for this series, that from the trailer appeared […]

Varjo talks with me about its human eye resolution VR headset and its mixed reality add-on (that will be available at AWE 2019)

Varjo. If you follow the evolutions of the virtual reality ecosystem, for sure you know this name: it is a Finnish startup working on developing a headset that features human-eye resolution. They took an approach similar to foveated rendering, but actually developed in an original way. Instead of downgrading the areas of the screen that […]

FragmentVR review and how to: an useful utility to see your real world from inside SteamVR

Have you already found yourself inside a virtual reality experience with the willing of having a window open to the real world so to be able to be aware of your surroundings, so to be able to find your keyboard or to keep an eye on your baby? Well, then FragmentVR is the right program […]

Virtual Reality is reaching a mature state according to Gartner

Some days ago, while browsing the Facebook group VIRTUAL REALITY, I found a post comparing the Gartner Hype Cycle 2017 and 2018. The results of the comparison were basically two: Augmented Reality has not moved in the graph; Virtual Reality has disappeared. I found this pretty interesting: last year, VR was going towards the right […]

Gamescom 2018 Day 3: Icaros made me exercise with fun in VR, Cybershoes made me walk in VR while seated and much more

Today has been my last day at Gamescom. It has been a long and interesting ride, where I tried cool innovative virtual reality hardware and I met awesome people. It has been really tiresome, but I loved it. This is the summary of this last day, that has been full of surprises. (If you haven’t […]

Gamescom 2018 Day 2: NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti video, Ubisoft believes in VR and much more

Welcome to my post about the second day I’ve spent here at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany (you can read the summary of the previous ones here and here). Today has been another interesting day: it has started with us running to try to enter the Cyberpunk 2077 booth (but with no luck) and has finished […]