Leap Motion full speed ahead on mobile platforms, emulates touch with sound

Yesterday I’ve published my post announcing some big news about Leap Motion. The most important of them is that Leap Motion is now completely focused in being embedded into standalone virtual reality headsets (particularly the ones implementing the Snapdragon 835 reference design) and no more in selling controllers. This will mean that its new and […]

When we’ll see Vive 2 and Oculus Rift CV2?

I’ve just written a long post on Medium with all my speculations about when we’ll see the next generation of VR headsets. I know, I know, speculating is bad… but, let’s be honest, we all love doing it. In this post I’ll try to start from all the premises we know at present time and […]

Leap Motion focuses on SDK and embedded, 2nd-gen controller will not be sold separately

In December, Leap Motion has announced a new hardware, its 2nd generation version, with a companion mobile faceplate, that suited perfectly onto GearVR headsets. We were all super-excited about it, thanks to the amazing specifications: 180°x180° tracking, improved tracking distance (beyond arm length), improved tracking and so on. We were all waiting for the moment […]

What do do after you’ve had your VR startup killer idea

Some weeks ago I’ve subscribed to Quora and started answering lots of questions, especially in the virtual reality, startup and blogging categories. There’s one recurring question in the startup category: what to do to transform your startup idea into a concrete startup and so I’m going to give you some advices here once for all. […]

All you need to know about SteamVR Tracking 2.0… will it be the foundation of Vive 2?

Yesterday everyone was excited in talking about Apple entrance in the AR/VR world, while I was actually excited by another news: the upgrade of Lighthouse tracking of SteamVR. After having leaked various previews in the last months, Valve has officially announced the upgrade with a community post. Let’s see together what this announcement is and […]

How to showcase VR in exhibitions

Today I want to give you some advices that can be useful if you want to showcase virtual reality inside some exhibitions. When I was in Immotionar, I took part in different exhibitions of our ImmotionRoom full body VR solution, so I learnt how to handle such situations and I want to help you to […]

Devlog: The Annoying Apple, Week #2

Welcome to the third episode of my devlog, where I talk about my adventure in developing a little zero-budget VR game in my free time, with game designer Max Ariani (if you missed last episode, you can find it here). Last time we understood we wanted to make a game having color as the main […]