The uncertain future of the Gear VR headset

Today I just want to tell you some shower thoughts that came to my mind while I was talking with Michela, an universtity student that is making research on the Samsung Gear VR market. She made some questions to me about the mobile headsets and their market… and this took me to question the future […]

Master Shot VR pre-release review

Today I’ve tested Master Shot VR, a VR shooting game that will be available as Steam Early Access on May, 12th. The game has very simple mechanics: you are inside a shooting center and you have to shoot at things 🙂 . In the training stage you’re like in a desert and you have to […]

Immotionar post mortem: what errors we made in our VR startup and how to avoid them for yours

In my last post I told you that my startup has just shut down. If you don’t know it, its name was Immotionar: our purpose was to offer full body virtual reality to every kind of headsets, mixing VR HMD with body tracking sensors like Microsoft Kinects. An innovative product, that has failed nonetheless. With […]