Virtual reality news sources

The 3 best sources of news to keep yourself updated with AR and VR

Every week I send to my newsletter subscribers an e-mail telling them the best XR news of the week (I call it the “VR Week Peek”). But… how do I keep myself informed about what happens in the AR/VR realm? I’ve already pointed you to a list of the best 50 VR websites, but reading 50 websites each day is a bit difficult! Today I want to tell you which are the main sources of my information so that you can use them to have your daily dose of AR and VR.

1. VR Magazines
Virtual reality news sources
Upload company has evolved a lot and has gone from a simple VR blog to a big company offering courses and workspaces

Most popular magazines about AR and VR are Upload VR and Road To VR. These are websites dedicated only to XR news and are very popular among all XR enthusiasts. They report news, game reviews, and interviews… so you can find any kind of articles you may be interested in. If there is a big news about VR, you can surely found it there. Upload VR strength is that it publishes far more articles than Road To VR, so there you can find a vast majority of news. On Road To VR, on the contrary, I’ve been able to find more in-depth articles and also the popular “Voices of VR” podcast by Kent Bye which offers very interesting interviews, targeted on technical aspects of AR and VR. Usually reading these two magazines is enough to read about all the main events of the AR/VR ecosystem.

There are also other important websites reporting VR news, like VR Focus and VR Scout. Furthermore, on more generic tech websites like Wired, Engadget, Mashable and The Verge you can sometimes find some interesting articles. Again, these are too many, so you can’t monitor them all. So what can you do?

2. Reddit
Virtual reality news sources
Reddit logo: in this blog, you hear me talk a lot about Reddit because it is simply awesome

The best solution is to monitor VR communities. Big VR communities are made of lots of people who read any kind of tech magazines and report the most intriguing articles to the fellow enthusiasts. Furthermore, there are also people trying to showcase their work and others and sharing their opinions, experiences, and tips&tricks. communities are an invaluable source of information about XR.

The most popular communities can be found on Reddit: /r/virtualreality, /r/oculus and /r/Vive are the best ones. If Reddit has that name (that means that you read it there first), there is a reason. There you can find a lot of news, reviews, gameplay videos and even opinions of random people… and if a big news comes out, Reddit is the first place where you can read it. Being part of those enormous communities is fantastic since they’re full of people that want to be helpful. /r/virtualreality is the most generic subreddit about VR (and also AR), while /r/oculus and /r/Vive are more dedicated to the specific Facebook and Steam virtual reality platforms. There’s a bit of fanboyism in those last two communities, with /r/vive guys being a bit more passionate in defending Valve’s platform against the super-evil powers of Facebook… so be careful about what you post there! 😀 Anyway, Reddit is an incredible source of information and some post published on this blog (like this one about Oculus tracking and duct tape or this other one on Oculus Mirror) have born just because of Reddit. So keep an eye on it.

3. Facebook
Virtual reality news sources
Facebook owns a VR headset, so it couldn’t not offer a service of VR news!

Another interesting community is the VIRTUAL REALITY group on Facebook. Featuring dozens of thousands of members, it is the biggest VR group on facebook. There is an insane amount of posting, including people trying to showcase their products, but if you let Zuckerberg choose the most liked content, you would find the most relevant articles. Apart from the most important news (you detect them because they have a very high engagement in likes/comments), you can also find links to interesting technical articles and videos. This Facebook group has been an invaluable source of inspiration for me: e.g. my article about Mondly VR has born browsing its news.

If you can find a dedicated VR facebook group of the country you’re in, this can serve to keep you updated on all the projects and events inside your country. So, you can have not only a global understanding of the XR ecosystem but also a focused local one. If you, like me, are from Italy, you can join this awesome group called GDI Virtual Reality.

These are the main sources of interesting news and articles about virtual reality. Actually, there are many others, including for instance the Medium magazine The Virtual Reality Pop or Linkedin communities. But here I just wanted to give you a brief list of the main sources you can follow to be updated about VR. My advice is to use a mix of all these sources (magazines and communities) and also surround yourself of XR enthusiasts so that they will share with you all the most important XR-related resources found on the web!

And don’t forget that there is my website, too! And that if you don’t have the time to read all these sources, you can just subscribe to my newsletter and let me do the dirty work for you: you have just to read the summary that I send you at the end of each week… what are you waiting for? 😉


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