Merry… WhateVR

This has been a tough year. On the professional side, the COVID has created many opportunities for us all, increasing the attention towards digital technologies and virtual reality. But on the personal side, every one of us has been very stressed in these months full of bad events, and many of us know people that […]

Happy Holidays 2017!

It has come that time of the year… the one when I’m going to celebrate Christmas by eating a lot of foods, having a lot of toasts and buying a lot of gifts (ah, if you don’t know what gifts to buy, check out my guide on AR/VR gifts!). Then will come the New Year’s […]

22 awesome augmented and virtual reality gift ideas (for Christmas and other events)

Christmas is coming and now we are in that period of the year when we ask ourselves all the time “What can I gift my friends with??? And my parents? And my girlfriend??” without finding a valid answer and so, in the end, we resort buying whatever stuff we find two days before Christmas just […]

Happy whatever!

So this is Christmas and New Year’s Eve is coming… and I’m finally going to have two days of rest 🙂 Sorry if I didn’t update this blog that much in these days, but I’ve been super-busy in doing stuff, like preparing our Christmas VR-card (haven’t you seen it yet? Go to and download […]