What virtual reality headset should you buy? Pimax vs Oculus vs Samsung vs HTC vs…

Hello everyone! One of the first posts of this blog was written to help people in choosing the right headset for them. It has been written in August 2016 and I think that too much time has passed by for that to still be valid: OSVR is a project that is slowly dying (at least in […]

The uncertain future of the Gear VR headset

Today I just want to tell you some shower thoughts that came to my mind while I was talking with Michela, an universtity student that is making research on the Samsung Gear VR market. She made some questions to me about the mobile headsets and their market… and this took me to question the future […]

Oculus Rift vs GearVR

After having talked you about the headset you should buy and having made a detailed comparison of GearVR vs Cardboard, today I want to highlight the difference between Oculus Rift and Samsung GearVR. Both headsets are high-end ones and both are produced with Oculus technologies. The key difference is that the first one is a […]