Happy Holidays 2017!

It has come that time of the year… the one when I’m going to celebrate Christmas by eating a lot of foods, having a lot of toasts and buying a lot of gifts (ah, if you don’t know what gifts to buy, check out my guide on AR/VR gifts!). Then will come the New Year’s […]

The ghost has evolved!

Hello everyone and welcome to my new house! As you can see, everything is changed here: I’m moved to self-hosted, and now I own a fantastic skarredghost.com domain; I’ve changed my theme and now I’ve a new modern layout for my home page and my news. Home page now highlights all the most clicked posts, […]

Announcement: The ghost is evolving

In the next times, I’ll make this little website to evolve a bit. I’ve started it as a little place where to put my thoughts… but know that it’s having its little share of success, it’s time to change something. I mean, I’m not UploadVR, but I thought that not even my parents would have […]

Happy (virtual reality) Easter everyone!

I wish all of you, my amazing readers, to have a marvelous Easter with all your family and friends! If in your culture you don’t celebrate Easter, well, I wish you a fantastic April the 16th to live with all people you like the most. Here we celebrate Easter opening chocolate eggs and eating lots […]